Thank you little girl, thank you for being so good. Especially, thank you for being good in front of our friends, it makes me feel like I'm doing a really good job. :) Not that if you were fussy I would feel that I weren't, but you make me feel so proud. And really, it is okay with me that you have a meltdown in the car after being so happy. And it would be okay if you had a meltdown, I'd be proud to me your mom anyway. I love you- I simply think you are simply amazing. I could not think of a better daughter to have.
Love you cutest punky in the world!
And I'm totally serious, I have this conversation with her, "Thanks for not melting down until we got in the car!" Oh mothering, I love this, and was MADE for this!
Adorable:) Your an amazing mother & U would be one of the highest paid because your just a natural. That is if us mother's got paid with cash!! :)