Sunday, September 12, 2010

Floppy Ears

If that dog goes into the bedroom and flops her ears ONE MORE TIME.

I am really excited for the mom's group at Faith to start up, SO excited. I really want to build community with other women, young moms or old moms. I want to be surrounded by women who are supportive and loving. I have the best mom in the world, the best mother in law, and amazing sister in laws. My three best friends make my life wonderful. I just need more, do you know that feeling? You have what IS and looks so great, but you still need more? I don't care if I have five hundred friends or three, but mommying is tricky and sharing it is so much more fun. What a blessing to share it with family, every day, AH, I love it! And am ready to share more!!

I hope that I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'll let them get up because that is who I am. I get really excited about life and I'd be lying if I didn't. I squeal with joy, laugh like a mad man, and clap my hands like there is something wrong with me. I love enjoying life, and I WILL pass that on to my daughter.

I also hope that I will pass on laughter, belly laughs that hurt. That she will laugh with our family and be able to laugh at herself. She did a great job of this this morning in bed with Daddy for their dance party. Seriously, MELT my heart! Jon was made to be this little girl's daddy!

Even though tonight was the roughest bedtime in a long time, I am so happy I got to snuggle my little punk until she was just ready for bed, finally.

So dog, REALLY, shake it all you want out here, but I swear, if you shake it in that bedroom, those floppy precious black ears and double jingler collar, you're sleeping in your cage. (But probably not.)

Ps- Did I say that I ALWAYS wanted a son? Hair bows, flowers, headbands and hats, WHAT was I thinking? Thank you GOD for knowing just what we needed! (Although, I'd take a son in a heart beat!)

1 comment:

  1. is it a mops group you're in? because mops is the best! i dont know what i would do without my mops group :) i hope you love it as much as i do!

